November 10, 2020

November 10, 2020

Sitting is a big motor milestone and it can sometimes feel quite scary placing your baby in a sitting position, especially if they do not have good head and neck control. Find out why it’s so important for your child to develop their sitting balance and how you can help.
Sitting is a big motor milestone and it can sometimes feel quite scary placing your baby in a sitting position, especially if they do not have good head and neck control. Find out why it’s so important for your child to develop their sitting balance and how you can help.
Rolling is the first step towards independent mobility, and it can catch you by surprise! That's why we recommended you never leave your baby on surfaces that are off the floor e.g. a sofa or a change table. Generally, rolling develops at around five to seven months with babies learning to roll from their tummies to their backs first and then their backs to their tummies.

Book a free pre-consultation

If you’d like to discuss your child’s needs, we offer a free, 15 minute pre-consultation conducted with one of our expert senior physiotherapists. During this pre-consultation, we can discuss which of our services would best assist your child, and what the next steps will include. Click the button below to book in your pre-consultation now.

Please select a date and time below to book in your pre-consultation.

Announcement: Please note that we are currently closed until August 2025.


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