Baby Physio Sydney

If you have concerns regarding your baby or young child’s development, we offer assessment sessions to review your child’s progress. We then formulate a physio plan that you can then use to improve their gross motor skills.

Baby Physio Sydney

If you have concerns regarding your baby or young child’s development, we offer assessment sessions to review your child’s progress. We then formulate a physio plan that you can then use to improve their gross motor skills.

The expert physios at Ready Steady Therapy are highly skilled at assessing and treating a wide range of developmental conditions that often effect babies and toddlers.

Here are some of the conditions we see frequently:

Developmental dysplasia of the hip doesn’t cause pain in babies, so it can be hard to notice without a thorough assessment. Infants are usually treated with physiotherapy sessions and a soft brace, called a Pavlik harness, that holds the hip joint in a good position for several months. This allows for the hip socket to develop with the head of femur (thigh bone) firmly in the hip socket. More severe cases may require a hip Spica cast or surgery. Talk to our Physios about treatment options for DDH. If your child has had Hip Dysplasia and had to wear a brace for a few months they may have slight delays to their gross motor skills, if you have any concerns then see your GP or Paediaitric Physio.

Torticollis is when the neck spasms and is predominantly turned to one side. It is often caused by a complicated delivery, such as forceps or vacuum extraction. It is apparent because baby has a predominant head turn preference mainly looking in one direction, making things like feeding difficult. If left unchecked, it can cause flattening of one side of the head (positional plagiocephaly) and stiff neck muscles. 

Treatment is straightforward with our physios prescribing a series of controlled neck stretching exercises to loosen the neck muscle and positioning tips.

Talipes is a condition where one or both feet are turned. In most cases the front of the foot is turned inwards and downwards (talipes equinovarus), occasionally the foot is turned downwards and outwards (talipes equinovalgus). 

Our physios help your baby with a variety of treatments, and in most cases, Talipes will resolve and not cause any issues with walking or activities in later life.  

By four months, many babies are starting to explore their environment through rolling at 4-6 months and by 6 months most children begin to sit. If your child has not started sitting by themselves by 9 months, or crawling by 12 months, their gross motor skills should be assessed by our team. If your child hasn’t begun walking by 18 months, the same applies.  

We’re skilled at creating activities to improve core strength and co-ordination to help your baby hit their milestones and the activities suggested in the appointment are easily integrated into your baby’s everyday routines, helping them to master those new motor skills. 

You can also check out our blog posts on motor development for some tips and tricks at developing gross motor skills. 

We can help you with all of the above and many more conditions. There are no silly questions, your baby’s health is our number one priority and any concern you have should be checked by a professional paediatric physiotherapist. 

Other services

We provide physio to children who have NDIS plans that are Plan Managed or Self Managed. We offer weekly, fortnightly or monthly physiotherapy sessions dependent on the need of the child.
Our Physiotherapists have extensive knowledge of specialist equipment such as standing frames, walking frames, sleep systems, seating, race runners and adapted tricycles. We can help with accessing and acquiring equipment for short term or permanent use.
We see kids who need support to develop their physical skills and coordination. Our team is skilled at activities designed to boost strength, agility, balance, and coordination. Give us a call to see if your child would benefit from a physiotherapy assessment.
Do you have concerns about your toddler or young child’s walking? We offer a comprehensive assessment of your child’s walking and formulate a plan to improve their walking through building up their strength, balance, flexibility and endurance.
Our paediatric physiotherapists offer fun and effective water-based therapy in a purpose-built hydrotherapy heated pool in Waverley, kept at 34 degrees. Enjoy 1:1 sessions in a private or shared setting, with full accessibility and flexible appointment times. Discover how our aquatic therapy can benefit your child.
We often work with children with neurological conditions including Cerebral Palsy, acquired Brain Injuries, Down Syndrome, Spinal Cord Injuries, Duchene Muscular Dystrophy and other rare genetic disorders. We also give advice on how to improve gross motor skills for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and provide physiotherapy treatment as required.
We treat a wide range of common musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions for children and teenagers, and some not so common conditions too! Physiotherapy can be offered to children and adolescents who have had an injury or who have an MSK condition leading to pain and dysfunction. If your child or teenager is complaining of pain in their muscles or joints, it will benefit them to be reviewed by a child physiotherapist.

Book a free pre-consultation

If you’d like to discuss your child’s needs, we offer a free, 15 minute pre-consultation conducted with one of our expert senior physiotherapists. During this pre-consultation, we can discuss which of our services would best assist your child, and what the next steps will include. Click the button below to book in your pre-consultation now.

Please select a date and time below to book in your pre-consultation.

Announcement: Please note that we are currently closed until August 2025.


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